[VB.NET] PDF Viewer: Visual Basic Tutorial

Have you think of making a PDF viewer by yourself? You can do it by using visual studio or Visual Basic.

  1. Download Visual Studio or Basic from Microsoft website
  2. Create a new solution.
  3. Add a Adobe PDF Component (Skip to Step 7 if you have enabled it)
  4. To enable the Adobe PDF Component, you need to be in flash player 10.0 or upper.
  5. Right-click on “All Windows Form” and select “COM Components”
  6. Check the box of “Adobe PDF Reader”
  7. Add a button. Renamed it as “Open PDF Files”.
  8. Add a open file dialog.
  9. Double click on the button, and type in the following:
    Axadobepdfreader1.src = openfiledialog1.filename
  10. And your Self-made PDF Viewer is completed!


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